
Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
M-Line heavy-duty shelving
C-Line light-duty shelving
R-Line Rx pharmacy shelving

Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
M-Line heavy-duty shelving
C-Line light-duty shelving
R-Line Rx pharmacy shelving

Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
C-Line light-duty shelving
Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
R-Line Rx pharmacy shelving
Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
R-Line Rx pharmacy shelving
Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
R-Line Rx pharmacy shelving
Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
R-Line Rx pharmacy shelving
Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
R-Line Rx pharmacy shelving

Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
M-Line heavy-duty shelving
C-Line light-duty shelving
R-Line Rx pharmacy shelving
Shopping carts/baskets

Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
M-Line heavy-duty shelving
C-Line light-duty shelving
R-Line Rx pharmacy shelving
Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
C-Line light-duty shelving

Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
*Call or email to order

Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving

Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving

Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving

Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving

Specializes in:
G-line gondola shelving
R-line Rx pharmacy shelving
Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
M-Line heavy-duty shelving
C-line light-duty shelving
*Call for appointment only
Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
M-Line heavy-duty shelving
C-line light-duty shelving
Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
M-Line heavy-duty shelving
C-line light-duty shelving
Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
M-Line heavy-duty shelving
C-line light-duty shelving
*Call for appointment only
Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
M-Line heavy-duty shelving
C-line light-duty shelving
*Call for appointment only
Specializes in:
G-Line gondola shelving
M-Line heavy-duty shelving
C-line light-duty shelving
Customer Reviews

"A special fixture called ‘M-Line’ was strategically designed to support our products sold in our building supply stores. A lightweight, but very durable fixture-racking with easy assembly, low maintenance, and good visual appeal. We have been using this fixture and its accessory components (chrome fronts, dividers, baskets, etc.) for over two decades on our sales floor layouts." - Gene Langley, Sr. Project Manager of Merchandising/Store Planning

"M-Line shelving offers unparalleled versatility, extensive overhead storage capacity, and seamless installation. The flexibility in depth, height, and various accessories not only elevated staff efficiency but also enhanced the overall shopping experience and in-store presentation." - Denny Popoff, Retail Field Specialist

"The M-line product works great with bulk, heavy and/or high-volume products because of the large capacity, high strength and is easy to configure into a space. The G-line gondola has a lot of flexibility for the traditional type of fixtures. Both are excellent product lines that allow for great product presentation because of their flexibility in design, many size options, and breadth of accessories available." - Jeff Pedersen, Corporate Design and Merchandising Manager